Hi! My name is Kimya and this is my portfolio site.
I work under my freelance LLC, KiMECTiON.
I use this site to showcase my work (and personality).
You play the game (my portfolio) by clicking on buttons and navigating galleries!
Click on the link at the top to go back to the home screen and press play when you're ready.
Or, click on "normal site" on the right/bottom to get something you're more used to - either work!
I just wanted to bend the rules of portfolios, resumes/CVs, and work websites!
They are boring to make and boring to read, so I wanted to make it more fun for everyone involved.
(also "making it fun" seemed to be the only way this portfolio was ever gonna get done...)
Fair enough - games are only games when everyone wants to play! (shoutout Huizinga)
Go back to the start screen and click "normal site".